Sg Cares &

Hi! We are East Youths.

We are a Youth Volunteer Organisation, not linked to any agencies or associations, based in Our Little Red Dot, Singapore!

100% Run by Volunteers! We produce events for volunteers to enjoy. We have 6 ongoing programmes that anyone can join. Best part is, our programmes are refreshed and new ones are added every year. So there never a dull moment.

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Our Mission

Placing Volunteers as our #1 priority towards what we could and would do.

A Democratic Organisation which treats all members equally and gives the freedom of choice and to think. As having a more supportive volunteer culture, more people are willing to stay long term and make it a long term hobby. Benefitting the Community and Yourself at Large


Our Vision

A fun-fulfilled environment that is ever evolving and growing to meet new people and places for all to enjoy. We also want to have a fun-loving work culture where everyone does their part without being concerned of politics and commitment issues.